The Big Picture – PM Modi’s US Visit: What’s on the table?

  • June 11, 2016
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The Big Picture- RSTV
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The Big Picture – PM Modi’s US Visit: What’s on the table?


Prime Minister Modi visited USA recently and discussed host of issues that are of mutual interest. This is the fourth visit of Modi to US and the visit is seen by many as a consolidation of all previous agreements before the incumbent Obama leaves office after the general elections. The article deals with possible outcomes of the visit and the agenda on the table.

Prime Minister Modi has visited USA on the eve of nuclear supplier group summit. It is evident from media and other sources that except China, the remaining nuclear security group members have welcomed India’s membership. However the official induction even though it takes little more time the willingness to accept India in to premier club by its member  is a welcome step as India gets to use the premium nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes.

Secondly India and USA has vibrant trade relations, despite certain differences there is constant dialogue between two countries to sort out the differences. On defence front the recently concluded logistical agreement has been agreed in principle but pending on paper and the agreement on technology transfer are some of the other initiatives that are on the anvil and on clean energy front financing to mitigate climate change, nuclear reactors from Westinghouse or GE is yet to be finalised.

The joint address to US congress by Modi is phenomenal in its way as US congress has the potential in influencing the foreign policy and important decisions of government that has implications to US and other countries. In other words Modi has made a significant stride in letting know the issues bothering between two countries and how both India and USA can coordinate to resolve the same.

India and USA relations have been time tested and have evolved in to greater dimensions after significant issues related to nuclear non proliferation is resolved. If US see’s India has its strategic partner in Asia as part of its Asia pivot. India sees this as a opportunity to protect her interests in South Asia. However having a Bon homie relations with US, India should refrain from things or developments that instigates India’s neighbours like china, Nepal, Pakistan. India needs to frame her policies with USA so that it promotes healthy development in the region than creating friction between countries.

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