TLP 2016 OPTIONAL – Geography [Day 20]

  • IASbaba
  • September 20, 2016
  • 95
Mains Examination, TLP Geography Optional
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Must Refer to Geography Plan and StrategyClick Here

Think Learn & Perform (TLP) : Geography [Day 20]


1. On the outline map of India provided to you, mark the location of all of the following. Write in your QCA Booklet the significance of the locations, whether physical/commercial/economic/ecological/environmental/cultural in not more than 30 words for each entry: (2 x 5 =10 marks)

  1. Lucknow
  2. Mahi river
  3. Mahendragiri
  4. Chambal
  5. Daman

2. Briefly explain the following terms in not more than 50 words each: (5 x 5 =25 marks)

  1. Gene pool
  2. In situ conservation
  3. Botanical garden
  4. Fauna in the tropical region
  5. Biosphere reserve

3. Identify the major gene pool centres of the world on an outline map. Also describe their unique features and significance. (20 marks)

4. With the help of suitable examples, explain the various techniques of wildlife conservation. Why in-situ conservation methods are considered more effective and sustainable than ex-situ methods? Discuss. (15 marks)

5. Write a short note on land capability and its geographical determinants. (15 marks)


Note: No separate links will be provided for answering the questions. All questions can be answered on the same page.

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