TLP : Current Affairs Focus (CAF) – 2016 MAINS

  • IASbaba
  • November 4, 2016
  • 15
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Hello Friends


The festive atmosphere is gone and if you are in Delhi, pollution might have affected your senses. In fact, the level of pollution being witnessed in various parts of India has been unprecedented this Diwali. We talk of a responsible and accountable government and we ourselves suffer from the syndrome of hypocrisy. Our environment is nothing but a reflection of our misdeeds!



Nevertheless, this post is about a new initiative called the ‘Current Affairs Focus (CAF)’ which will commence on 15th November, 2016. As you are aware that the TLP answer writing programme will be over on 14th November, we have decided to post questions on Current Affairs which have high chances of being asked in CSM this year. Even if you have mastered current affairs, this initiative will give you the much needed practice and confidence.


Daily 5 questions requiring High order thinking (HOT) will be posted. We are trying to cover the most important and the most relevant topics for this year’s CSM. The questions shall be posted till 24th November, 2016


Please attempt the questions and we are sure that your sincerity and hard work will pay you back.


PS: The full length mocks will be posted on 27th and 28th November, 2016



All the Best 🙂

IASbaba team


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