IASbaba’s TLP History Optional 2017 [14th July]: Day 4

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IASbaba’s TLP History Optional 2017 [14th July]: Day 4



Q.1)  Trace the rise of Magadhan imperialism up to the times of the Nandas with particular

Q.2) In what ways the megalithic culture can be considered as foundational phase for Sangam age. (15 Marks)

Q.3)  Categorise the reasons which can be attributed for rise of second urbanisation. How was it different from first urbanisation with respect to ancient India

Q.4)  Give an account of the republics in the pre-Maurya period. Discuss the factors which contributed to their decline.

Q.5) What role did iron play in changing their political and economic life?

Q.6 Discuss the social and economic factors for the rise of Buddhism. (15 Marks)

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