IASbaba’s TLP Philosophy Optional 2017 [15th July]: Day 6

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IASbaba’s TLP Philosophy Optional 2017 [15th July]: Day 6


1. What are the similarities and differences in basic philosophical doctrines of Smakhya and Yoga? (20 marks)

2. Explain the role of Chitta, Chittavriti and Kleshas in bondage and liberation. (15 marks)

3. Describe various levels of Samadhi. (20 marks)

4. “In keivalya, what remains is a detached consciousness”. Critically analyse this statement in the context of the concept of Bondage and liberation as given by Yoga. (20 marks)

5. “Though Yoga accepts ontology of Samkhya, it shows a practical path of liberation unlike Samkhya”. Comment (15 marks)

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