IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Anthropology [19th Aug, 2017] – Day 34 & 35


IASbaba’s TLP OPTIONAL – 2017 : Anthropology [19th Aug, 2017] – Day 34 & 35


Paper 1

1) What is the basis of social stratification? Discuss with examples

2) Explain the concept of status and role in anthropology

3) Write a detailed note on polyandrous societies, citing Indian examples

4) Define marriage & describe the various types of marriages in human societies.

5) Where do you situate ‘live-in relationship’ within the institution of marriage?

6) Ways of acquiring a spouse in simpler societies

7) Describe various ways of getting mate in Primitive Society. Give examples from Indian context.

8) Matrilineal society

Paper 2

1) Discuss salient features of Mesolithic culture in India with special reference to western India.

2) Indian Paleolithic culture can neither be conceived chronologically homogenous nor as a uniform cultural phase. Discuss.

3) Discuss the significance of study of religious centres to the understanding of Indian civilization.

4) Soan culture.

5) Examine Gorden Childe’s statement ‘Neolithic_Culture is a Revolution

6) Comment in detail on the socio-cultural life of the people of the Indus Valley Civilization

7) Urban Planning in Harappan Culture

8) Iron age in Gangetic region

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