Creative Guidance – You are not an Island – Inspirational & Educative Articles

  • IAS baba
  • February 25, 2018
  • 2
Creative Guidance-IASbaba, Inspirational & Educative Articles
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You are not an Island:

The idea of competition has isolated man from everything around him. So much so that, he almost thinks he is an island; completely self-sufficient all by himself. The idea of individual effort is so enticing that he has completely forgotten the art of collaborating.

There are few things that are best done alone. But most other actions are better accomplished through synergistic cooperation.  Most forms of learning can be enhanced through cooperation. When we step out of our egoistic self-deceptions and decide to learn from each other, learning becomes fun and engaging.

It is better to be like a sponge that absorbs knowledge from all directions than to be like a molded brick refusing to interact with its surroundings. Most people fail to tap into this wonderful resource of cooperative learning. When you step out of your comfort zones and seek help from people around you, you will discover newer creative ways of learning.

Why is it so important to have synergistic approach to learning? The most important reason being, human beings learn really well through interdisciplinary human interactions. Our minds better comprehend and retain information when the source of information is from multiple individuals and disciplines.

The problem with functioning like an island is it is very easy to get cut off from the new changes that are happening in your stream of learning. You can be stuck on an island and completely miss the changes that are happening around you.  This problem is much more serious than it appears to be.

This is where most individuals lose out on being current and up to date on what is happening around them. Also being individualistic comes naturally to us Indians. Co-operation is the whole problem with our upbringing and social conditioning. Somehow, we are not taught the art of cooperating and learning from each other.

There is so much an individual can gain from letting go of his strong addiction to his personality and blending in with people and events happening around him. In this way the intitutive part of his mind can grasp information which would have otherwise been totally lost.

Also this approach will help you to seek help from multiple sources. Any preparation is a combination of individual as well as cooperative skills. Nobody is an island all by themselves. Step out of your prison wall of ideas and take the risk of cooperating and coordinating with others. This will change your learning process tremendously.


“The articles are a copyright of The Ahamo Movement and IASBABA.”

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