Creative Guidance: Book Review – A New Earth – Eckhart Tolle

  • IAS baba
  • June 1, 2019
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Book Reviews & Recommendation-IASbaba, Creative Guidance-IASbaba
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A New Earth: Eckhart Tolle

A New Earth is a fascinating vision of Eckhart Tolle for the future of humanity. A vision filled with hope, inclusive consciousness, oneness and awakening. The world needs this book now more than ever before. In times of decreasing trust and increasing conflicts, this book is an eye opener.

Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher with a mission and purpose to help individuals awaken to their true purpose. His books are educative and fascinating to read. After the phenomenal success of “Power of Now” “A New Earth” is his new offering in nudging the world a little closer towards spirituality.

Eckhart is in a way a new age guru. A real spiritual teacher is one who offers a message that is true and beneficial to people. Eckhart Tolle might not look like a typical spiritual teacher but his message is extraordinarily relevant.

A New Earth will open a new world of possibilities for your inner spiritual journey. All of us at some point in time should look inward to understand our lives better. This book will certainly help you in your self introspection.

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