Indus Waters Treaty

  • IASbaba
  • August 11, 2020
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Indus Waters Treaty

Part of: GS Prelims and Mains II – India and Pakistan relations 


  • Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) – Signed by India and Pakistan in 1960 
  • Under the treaty, India has full use of the three “eastern” rivers (Beas, Ravi, Sutlej), while Pakistan has control over the three “western” rivers (Indus, Chenab, Jhelum), although India is given rights to use these partially as well for certain purposes. 

Pic: IWT 

Do you know? 

  • According to the terms of the IWT, India has the right to build RoR projects on the three ‘western’ rivers — the Chenab, Jhelum and Indus — provided it does so without substantially impeding water flow in Pakistan downstream. 

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