Day 26 – Q.1 How does one’s moral attitude determine his/ her opinion of people, events and ideas? Explain with the help of suitable examples.

  • IASbaba
  • December 23, 2022
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Ethics Theory, GS 4, TLP-UPSC Mains Answer Writing
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How does one’s moral attitude determine his/ her opinion of people, events and ideas? Explain with the help of suitable examples.

किसी का नैतिक दृष्टिकोण लोगों, घटनाओं और विचारों के बारे में उसकी राय कैसे निर्धारित करता है? उपयुक्त उदाहरणों की सहायता से व्याख्या कीजिए।


Candidates can start the answer with giving basic definition of moral attitude and simply write about its different facets and relate it to suitable real time examples.


Moral attitudes are grounded in moral beliefs of “Right” and “wrong” action. Moral attitudes are stronger than moral principles. It has been well documented that ethical values are the highest among all types of natural values.


Different facets of moral attitude:

  • Goodness: Anything which is inherently bad even though may bring some positive effects can never be justified, as it is bad. Similarly, if a good thing brings about suffering, it should be tolerated just because the thing is inherently good.
  • Reverence: One must hold reverence to all forms of life. Respect should not be limited to family members, peers, superiors but moral attitude should be such that one must be able to respect all forms of life and all kinds of good deeds
  • Faithfulness: The greatest thing that one can earn is trust of others. So being trustworthy and investing trust on others requires a positive disposition towards faith to be able to perform our roles in all spheres of life.

Moral attitude determining opinion of people, events, and ideas:

  • Ideas: – Moral attitude refers to how you feel about moral issues where society debates what is right and wrong. For example, how do you feel about euthanasia (mercy killing)? Do you believe it is correct? Moral attitudes are frequently shaped by an individual’s moral values. Moral attitudes serve as the foundation for all moral behaviour.
  • People: – Moral attitudes also encourage a person towards Altruism, volunteerism, social service. It encourages people to help others in which they find happiness for example Mother Teresa.
  • It generates empathy we not only sympathies with an individual but also understand his/her pain and which led to action.
  • Suppose Mr/Ms. X is DM of tribal area and government is planning to build a road through jungle and that’s the only option available. Since s/he have above moral attitude then s/he will understand tribal people sentiment but at the same time knows roads significance hence will honesty try to pursue tribal to best of his ability in a peaceful manner.
  • Events: – Moral attitude to maintains tolerance and peace will accommodate diverging views, be able to behave morally with others whose views are diametrically opposite to that of ours. Lack of such attitude leads to fanatic behaviour leading to disputes, riots etc.
  • Negative impact of moral attitude is that person can use such attitude to defend violence behaviour and insanity and still society will accept it because moral attitude is a strong emotion.
  • It motivates a person towards riots, massacre and terrorism. Since moral attitude is tied with strong sentiments, people do not get along with those who do not share their moral attitude.


Moral attitude is important aspect of good citizen and civil servant. This will help public servant to bring good governance practice in whole of his life and public service career.

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