Note: Click on the links and then answer on respective questions!
Welcome to Day 27 of TLP Phase I. Please understand that the next 12 weeks are not meant to test your knowledge. Most of you are giving your first attempt and its really important for you to self assess yourself over the fundamentals of various subjects. And even if you have appeared for CSM before, it is always desirable to brush up your basics before you go on to attempt highly analytical and thought provoking questions asked by UPSC. TLP Phase I is designed precisely for that. The questions in this phase would mostly be direct and based on fundamentals of the subject. Please be sincere and regular in this phase of your preparation because what you build here will become the foundation of phase II of TLP.
Indian Constitution and Polity
1. The passing of the GST Bill by the parliament is a sign of cooperative federalism. Do you agree? Critically examine.
2. Do local governing bodies have adequate funds to function effectively? What can be some of the ways to mobilise resources for local governments? Discuss.
3. What is competitive federalism? Is it good for a developing country like India? Substantiate by taking suitable examples
Current Affairs
4. Recent Supreme Court verdicts and directions have yet again provoked the debate of constitutional oversight versus judicial adventurism. What is your opinion in this regard?
5. With impetus on Digital India, various payment methods have been introduced recently to ease financial transactions. Identify some of these methods and discuss their pros and cons.
Please note that, for the first 3 Questions, Answers will be reviewed & Synopsis will be provided. But for the 4th & 5th Question from Current Affairs ONLY Synopsis will be provided
P.S: The review from IASbaba will happen from the time the question is posted till 10 pm everyday. We would also encourage peer reviews.. so friends get actively involved and start reviewing each others answers. This will keep the entire community motivated.