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  • March 23, 2016
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UPSC Interview Preparation, UPSC INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT- 2015
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Name- Vamshi Krishna

Board- HC Gupta on March 17
Profile- Dentist
Now- Working in CSIR at present. In administration.

Chairman:  You have studied in Kakatiya junior college where is it?
A: Sir it is in Hyderabad.

Chairman: What kind of A/c system does CSIR use cash or accrual?
A: Sir it is accrual system of accounting.

Chairman:  So did u get any formal training in accounting procedures?
A: Sir We were trained for 2 months on all govt rules and basics. Rest was learning on the job

Chairman: How do u settle a retired persons dues? In case of death etc.(question was not proper)
A: sorry sir, I do not know (Chairman replied, it is on Actuarial basis)

Me: Thank you sir, I was not aware of it.

Chairman: Laughing.  Do you remember anything of dentistry?
A: Yes sir

Chairman: Why do we get two pairs of teeth but all others as one?
A: Explained the process of diphydontism..

Chairman: So this should apply to hands and fingers too. Why doesn’t it??.
A: sorry sir, I do not know..

Chairman: Do you watch only Telugu channels?
A: No sir, I watch English and Hindi as well..

Chairman: What sort of channels?
A: Sir, news channels and informative ones

Chairman: Which channel in Hindi?

Chairman: Who hosts primetime there?
A: Sir Mr. Ravish Kumar..

Chairman: Oh you know of him?

A: Yes sir, he is very famous..

Chairman: Who hosts in NDTV 24*7?
A: Sir, Ms.Barkha Dutt and Mrs.Sonia Singh..

Oh.. OK good..

Directs towards M1

M1: Mr.Krishna do you think we can call Media as 4th pillar of Democracy anymore considering that they have resorted to sensationalism and media trial? Eg: Sheena Bora murder case and all

A: Sir, I agree that due to increase in no. Of channels and the fight for TRPs.. Channels are resorting to sensationalism , but it would be unfair to blanket them all under a single term. Many channels have highlighted social issues as well and took on to get justice for victims as well. Even the supreme Court has remarked that Media trail should be avoided when the matter is sub judice.

M1: What do u think is the solution?
A: Sir, An independent regulator with power is needed

M1: Don’t we have it already?
A: Sir, we have a broadcasting council and An editorial guild which is basically a consortium of all Pvt channel heads.. But I feel more than that Self censorship is needed . a journalist must know abt what and how to report and how much to report.  The same was said by a regulator in UK.  When the  News Of the World Scam broke out.

M2: Tell me something about Stem cells?
A: Told about pluripotent and totipotent Stem cells..

M2: What about dental stem cells?
A: Told about them.. And process of storing them.

M2: Are we doing something in this regard?
A: Sir, Dr.Virendra Sangwan a. Famous opthalmologist is using pluripotent cells to create corneal cells and cure blindness.. So far the results hv been promising.

M2: Tell me, even after division why acrimony amongst people in Andhra and Telangana?
Tell me about people only.  Not river sharing and all..

A: Sir, the Genesis of the acrimony lies within the Article 371G itself.. The uniqueness of which have made people local or non local within the state itself..

People resent due to lack of proper employment facilities ESP in govt sector. Sir, the status of Hyderabad as a free zone is the main contention there. It has been alleged that jobs have been given to people outside the region at the cost of local telanganites.

M2: But now they have Amaravati as capital na?
A: Sir, Amaravati is still under construction and Hyderabad will be the common capital till 2024 according to Telangana reorganisation act.

M2: Is the acrimony still present what has govt done to reduce that?
A: Sir, the CM has declared a fresh Socio economic survey of hyd to be carried out which was done last year.  And he has also declared that controversial rule of ppl staying before 1956 in Telangana will only be considered as locals will b dropped

M3: Have you read OPEN?.
Yes sir..

M3: What is it about?

A: Sir, it is the autobiography of Famous tennis player Andre Agassi.

M3: Tell me about his marriage and wife?
A: sir he has been married twice. 1st to actress Brooke shields which ended in a divorce and later to Ms.Steffi Graf, A CO tennis player with whom he is presently with.

M3: Tell me about kabaddi? How many players play?
A: Sir team has 10 players ..7 in the arena and 3 as reserves. Was explaining.  He said it’s OK..

M3: Which country’s national sport is kabaddi?.
A: Sir Bangladesh and Nepal.

M3: What is origin of word kabaddi?
A: Sir, I am not sure but I think it is from Tamil.

M3: Yes, it is a Tamil word.

M3: Do you know it’s meaning?
A: Sorry sir, I do not recollect.

M4(lady member). Very friendly way..

I will call you Krishna Mr.Krishna.. Since I am not comfortable about the pronunciation of your first name.. Do you mind?
A: No, ma’am I do not..

Thank you. Mr..Krishna tell me about urban teledensity and compare it with rural one.. Do you know the ratio?
A: ma’am teledensity means the level to which the communication ESP mobile or landline telephone have penetrated the given area..Ma’am I am not sure of the numbers but I guess roughly it is 3:1. Urban: Rural

M4: Ya, you are right..

M4: What should be done? Should the Pvt telecos be charged and given responsible?
A: Ma’am there was a fund instituted for this called the Urban service obligation fund. Which was collected as part of spectrum allocation. From Pvt telecom operators..  To increase optic fibre network The CAG report says that it has not yet been used. I think the onus now lies on Govt to put it to use

M4: Mr. Krishna tell me about DRDO?
A: Explained about it for two sentences..Premier R&D defence relatedetc.

M4: Mr.Krishna, why is that both our indigenous light combat aircraft and civilian aircraft have been in making for so much time?

A: Ma’am.  There have both procedural difficulties and the problem of delegation with Tejas.  With numerous agencies having overlapping commands. The problem also was with Kaveri Engine which couldn’t provide sufficient thrust.. And hence it engine and engineering were transferred to GE. But the Govt took a long time around 7yrs to come to a decision on it.  Now Tejas is not purely an indigenous one only the outer shell has been designed by India ma’am ..which gave us a bad name of just being an assembling unit for aircrafts. Regarding , the civilian aircraft.. The MoU was not signed properly ma’am . which made Mahindra to opt out from the contract and take it to Australia

M4: So what can we do now?
A; Ma’am hoping that make in India will make a difference to the present status.

M4: Mr.Krishna.. U read Indian fiction, hv u  heard of jhumpa lahiri?
A: yes ma’am, she is my favourite write..

M4: Oh is it.  What was her latest novel?.

A: Ma’am her recent novel was in Other worlds..

M4: Is it in English?

A: ma’am it is written by her in Italian, and translated to English..

M4: have you read it?
A: ma’am I haven’t read it because Ms.lahiri herself was unsure abt the translated book..

M4: I have read it Mr.Krishna.. And it appears as a mishmash ..her touch was missing..
A: yes ma’am this was the reason y even I was skeptical..

M4: On a lighter note.. May be we should learn Italian.
I just smiled.

M4: Have you read the namesake? What is its central theme..
A: Ma’am the central theme of it a migrants search for his identity as he is torn between his American trait and Indian roots..

M4: yes yes.. Did she win a Booker for it??..
A: ma’am she won a Pulitzer for her first book The interpreter of maladies a collection of short stories..

Chairman interjects..

Thank you Mr.Krishna. Your interview is over..
I thanked all of them.. And left..

Overall the board was very cordial..
Ma’am even switched on the fan for me. When I was sweating ..
I thanked her. Don’t know how much I will score.. But I felt the interview barely lasted 15 mins.. But the next person after me told it was around 30 mins..

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