• IASbaba
  • May 1, 2020
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IASbaba's Mind Maps
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Hello Everyone, 

Let’s discuss a scenario. If you have appeared for UPSC civil services exam before, or any other exam for that matter, you must have experienced that many a times you look at a question and you think that you have read it somewhere, but at that very moment, you are unable to recall. 

This is a very common issue that has been discussed with us on HOTLINE calls every single day. The main reason for this is lack of systematic studies and proper revision. Since most of the aspirants are facing the same issue, we thought that we will introduce a program that will specifically target this problem. 

In order to solve the problem, first of all you need to understand the main cause of this problem. The fact is that our brain is like an empty room. When you study something you add that information in some corner of your room. After a while this room gets filled and it becomes a store room of information. While filling up this room you forgot to put information in a systematic manner. 

Now think of such a store room. If we ask you suddenly to go and fetch a ball from that room, there are three possibilities. 

  • Case 1 – You will immediately find the ball as you open the door and fetch it. 
  • Case 2 – You may take some time in looking for the ball and then find it. 
  • Case 3 – You may try to look for the ball but amidst all of that cluttering you might not find it at a given time. 

This is what exactly happens with you in exam, when a question is asked. You try to think about that information, if you are lucky it strikes you in a second, but if you are not, you keep thinking about it and may not recall in the examination hall. The moment you step out of exam hall, suddenly the correct answer rushes to your head, but then it’s too late. 

Only if you had sorted all that information before, you would have known where to look for it in your head. You might have found your ball immediately at all times. 

For this, your learning process has to change and you need to deliberately learn – How to learn?

One such tool for learning is called a MIND MAP. 

In fact, IASbaba was the first one to start mind-maps technique to simplify the preparation. We started off with UPSC MAINS Syllabus. It will surely ease your understanding of the syllabus and things to keep in mind while preparing from basic texts or current affairs.





So what is a mind map??

  • An incredible powerful thinking tool.
  • An Innate Human language.


How to Mind map?

A good Mind Map has three essential characteristics: (as defined by Tony Buzan)

  1. A central image that captures the main subject under consideration. For example, if you were using a Mind Map to plan a project, you could put a sketch of a folder in the center. No special artistic skill is needed to create a good Mind Map. 
  2. Thick branches radiating out from the central image. These branches represent the key themes relating to the main subject, and each one is represented by a different colour. In turn, the main branches sprout subsidiary branches – twigs, if you like, in the form of second- and third-level branches – which relate to further associated themes. 
  3. A single key image or word is placed on each branch. 

In practicality, many times you have to defy the rule no 2 & rule no 3 as many students complained that using different color pens increases the time and the efforts is not that worthy, So, here we will not push you to use these color pens. You can use whatever suits/available with you.

How to Mind map - IASbaba


The main idea is to brainstorm, and the important thing is every mind map is unique so you can do it in whatever manner you like to do it. Secondly, you can add multiple words instead of sticking to only single key word as mentioned in rule 3. The whole of this exercise is to unleash your creativity to push your brain cells to recall the data learnt and to make it more relevant for your preparation. 

Mind Mapping is most effective when undertaken in bursts of about 20 minutes.

Advantages/benefits of using a mind map?

  • Revision: THE MOST IMPORTANT, it reduces time for revision and converts pages of notes into few sheets. 
    • Retention: Incremental knowledge is so much easier to maintain in a rich way.
    • Recall: Quicker recall as it helps you to structure your memory and data in it.
    • Clarity of thoughts, ideas, concepts
    • Interesting/creative & Engaging: There is no limit or rule for deciding the key words and using Pictures. Every mind map is unique. So, you can always give a personal touch to your mind map and expand it whenever you come across any new idea/data.
  • Thinking: It will develop the ability to think in a systematic manner. 
  • Concentration: In Mind mapping, you must dig into your own memory to focus on what is important and what is not. So, it helps you to really focus on learning. It, in fact, many folds the speed of learning. 

How can we use Mind map for our preparation?

  • Notes making
  • Before reading any article in Newspaper, magazine or even a book you can make a mind map by following below instructions. 
  • If you have any previous knowledge about anything related to the topic then try to recall it once and give it a shape of mind map. Or else just start with few basic questions like WHY, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW etc. and try to arrange things accordingly. It will not only increase your understanding but also helps you in 360 ° learning.
  • After making the rough mind map, now go and read that article or chapter. Your mind map will help in identifying loopholes in your data, clear your misunderstanding and give perspective to the data given in the article/chapter.
  • Especially in Essay paper, it helps you in creating a basic structure of your essay.

How to use mind mapping for UPSC Preparation - IASbaba



  • Firstly, we will post 2 Topics every week.
  1. One from Conventional or the Static part of the Mains Syllabus
  2. And the other from Current Affairs
  • Unlike what we were doing before, in this initiative we want students to learn and brainstorm through mind-maps (how to use mind-maps in your preparation and the benefits of this exercise is already mentioned above). It is not necessary that you use a software/tool to design mind maps. You can prepare mindmaps using a pen and a sheet of paper as explained above.
  • We will share the final printable mind map on every Wednesday and Sunday (2 times a week). We will also provide specific inputs on your mind maps to improve your skill of mind mapping.

OTHER ASPECTS of this Initiative:

  • We will also provide Puzzles or Half drawn mind maps which you will be able to fill (It is like guessing the Keywords, Guess What – Art & Culture, etc.)
  • We will share Summary Maps on a regular basis for various subjects for quick revision.
  • We will also share INFOGRAPHICS; this will help you in better visualization of information, data, or knowledge which is very important from Prelims and Mains Perspective.


  • Enlist the topics you feel as important for MAINS.
  • Issues in Current Affairs you find difficult to understand.
  • Share your own mind-maps on the given topics in the comment section of the post published on Wednesdays and Sundays (every week). We will provide specific inputs on your mind maps to improve your skill of mind mapping.


“Together we can, we will. Strength of community is more powerful than individual effort. We have started it. You have to strengthen it”


So Today’s Topic is on “PRIVATIZATION”. The mind-map will be published this Sunday (3rd May, 2020). The TOPICS for Next week will be published on the same post. 

You can Start sharing Your Mind-maps & Topics of your interest in the comment section below!!


Thank You


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