NMM and HPC facilities result in a 50-fold increase in its economic benefits: NCAER Report

  • IASbaba
  • November 5, 2020
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NMM and HPC facilities result in a 50-fold increase in its economic benefits: NCAER Report

Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III – Science and technology

In news

  • National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) Report on “Estimating the economic benefits of Investment in Monsoon Mission and High Performance Computing (HPC) Facilities” was recently released. 
  • Released by: Ministry of Science and Technology 
  • With an initial investment of Rs. 1,000 Crores, NMM and HPC facilities result in a 50-fold increase in its economic benefits.

Key takeaways of the report

  • A total of Rs. 1000 crores has been invested in setting up National Monsoon Mission(NMM) and High performance Computing (HPC) facilities by Government of India.
  • 76% of the livestock owners are using weather information for taking decisions on modification of shelter; vaccination against seasonal disease; and fodder management. 
  • 82% of fishermen reported using Ocean State Forecast (OSF) advisories every time before venturing into sea.

Important value additions 

National Monsoon Mission

  • Launched by: Ministry of Earth Sciences in 2012.
  • Aim: To improve the forecasting skills by setting up a state-of-the-art dynamic prediction system for monsoon rainfall different time scales.
  • NMM builds a working partnership between the academic and research and development (R&D) organisations, both national and international.
  • Its augmentation with High Performance Computing facilities has helped the country in achieving a paradigm shift in weather and climate modelling for operational weather forecasts.

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