TLP Connect 2020: Prelims + Mains+ Interview Mentorship Based Programme (OFFLINE and ONLINE)
UPSC MAINS PAPER 2019 (GS 1, 2, 3 and GS 4): ANALYSIS, APPROACH and REFERENCES-How IASbaba was Helpful
TLP Connect 2020: Prelims + Mains+ Interview Mentorship Based Programme (OFFLINE and ONLINE)
Important timelines in the Video:
Initial 10 mins – about IASbaba and Team
13 minutes onwards – Philosophy behind TLP and Details about TLP Connect Mentorship programme
35mins, 30 Sec onwards – Art of Answer Writing
1:14:25 (hr:min:sec) onwards – Live Demo of Answer Writing
1:37:30 onwards – Ethics Strategy
2:19:45 onwards – Right Attitude for UPSC Preparation
To have an outstanding performance at any competitive event, one needs to stand out from the rest. To stand out, one needs to achieve some degree of excellence. To achieve a degree of excellence, one requires right guidance throughout the journey on a consistent basis. A few sparks of excellence can’t sustain the light of outstanding capabilities. But why do we say this to you? Is civil services such a big deal? Do you really need to have capabilities par excellence to crack this examination? The answer is simple and straight- YES. With each passing year, UPSC is reducing the number of seats. However, the candidates appearing in the civil services examination is steadily growing. The end result is the cut-throat competition. Above-average is never adequate for this examination process. Candidates are working their hearts to make their names appear in the coveted list. But is that the solution? Can hard work alone lead to success in this examination? Well, without undermining the significance of hard work, we want to convey a simple message- in the age of social media and internet revolution, you have to be SMART. Smartness should be understood as a way of life. It can also be understood as one’s ability to think and act out of the box, achieve goals faster and reduce one’s cost to benefit ratio.
We at IASbaba have always believed in the philosophy of smartness. From Day 1, we have come out with initiatives that are smart, efficient and outcome-oriented. This belief has earned us lakhs of followers and their faith and love. The same faith and love have motivated us to come with better planning, better initiatives and more focused strategies to let us help you write your own success story.
The latest in this series of initiatives is our Integrated Prelims+Mains Answer Writing and Mentorship Programme, called the Think, Learn and Perform- Connect (TLP-Connect in short). You are all aware of the quality of TLP which in many ways has become one of our identity brands. The quality of questions, synopsis and feedback in TLP and TLP Plus has been praised by a number of toppers. Rank 1, Rank 4 and many others this year (2018-19) strongly recommended TLP for answer writing practice.
Both Prelims and Mains HIT RATIO: Hitting the bull’s eye year after year:
- 2016 Prelims: 68+ questions
- 2017 Prelims: 70+ questions
- 2018 Prelims- 63+ questions
- 2019 Prelims- 70+ questions
- Our Hit Ratio in Mains and Prelims- 2017, which is close to 85 % and 70% respectively – How IASbaba was helpful in Mains 2017 and 68+ in UPSC Civil Services Prelims 2017-How IASbaba Helped One to Get MAINS Call!
- Our Hit Ratio in Mains and Prelims- 2018, How IASbaba was helpful in Mains 2018 and 60+ in UPSC Prelims 2018
- 82+ UPSC CSE 2018 TOPPER’S from IASbaba
TLP-Connect 2020?
Is it any other Mains answer writing programme? No! Not at all. While TLP-Connect has all the basic ingredients of an answer writing programme, it has got several features that make it much better and far more focused than the other programmes (Similar to our 1st Phase of C2C which was launched in 2017-18, but with additional features this time). Let us first see the broad features of this programme: Schedule and Detailed Plan is given at the end.
Features of the Programme:
1. CONNECT with IASbaba (TLP- Connect): Prelims + Mains + Interview Mentorship Based Programme. Available both OFFLINE and ONLINE Mode. The Programme will be conducted BOTH at Delhi and Bengaluru Centers.
2. Duration: It is an Incentive-based Programme, which runs in 3 phases. In Total 13 Months Programme.
Phase 1: October 2019 – May 2020 [8 Months] – Common to all students.
Phase 2: June 2020 – September 2020 [3 Months] – If you are clearing UPSC PRELIMS 2020, then 2nd Phase will be completely FREE!!
Phase 3: Post Mains Results – Interview Mentorship Programme (IMP) -if you are clearing UPSC MAINS 2020, then 3rd Phase will be completely FREE!!
The programme starts on 12th October (Saturday) with Prelims Test followed by Mains Test on 13th October (Sunday).
3. Number of Mains Tests: 30 Tests in Total.
- 12 Sectional Tests (Based on Basics, Conceptual Understanding + Analytical nature) of 2 hours duration each)
- 2 Tests Exclusively on Ethics Case Studies
- 8 Essay Tests (3 Tests only on Philosophical Essays, 3 only on Theme Based and 2 (Philosophical + Theme Based). In total, you will be writing 16 Essays.
- 8 Comprehensive Mock Tests of 3 hours duration each.
Each test to have UPSC standard high-quality questions with a focus to let you develop the ability to answer any question asked by UPSC in the stipulated time frame while maintaining the quality of answers. Each test shall be complemented by a high quality of synopsis for easy reference and revision.
4. Number of Prelims Test: 35 GS tests and 10 CSAT tests i.e. a total of 45 Tests to equip you with the skills to crack Prelims without any hiccups.
5. Practical Planning: Do not get trapped/attracted by More Number of Tests. It is never about writing too many tests but quality Tests with quality feedback, proper guidance and revision of the same.
It is much more important for you to be part of this programme to avail
- Timely Feedback before the next test, so that you improve and follow the learnings.
- Timely and effective sessions with your Mentors to learn required skills and implement it in the very next test.
- Post Discussions and Synopsis, you should get to learn important aspects to be utilised in the next test.
- Most important of all, you need time to prepare and write the tests with confidence (If you write Tests after Tests, will you have time to prepare?)
If you have a practical mindset, the preparation will never be a burden on you. You should never get bogged down by the hypes created around it in terms of doing everything. Think for a while!
It is about Quality-Practicality-Correct Guidance-Revision. Our programme gives you all of these!
Prelims tests would be conducted on every Saturdays followed by Mains Test on Sundays. The Schedule is prepared such that your preparation has an integrated approach. For instance, if you have History Prelims Test (Art and Culture /Modern History) on Saturday, it would be followed by Mains Test on the same topics on Sunday. So that you can carry forward the same facts and apply it in Mains as per the demand of the question. We have planned such that, Mains Tests are over by March and the Prelims Tests continues till the month of May 2020. So you get close to 3 months exclusive for Prelims Preparation and it syncs with IASbaba’s flagship initiative 60 Day Plan as well. You can download the Detailed Schedule at the end of the post.
6. Mentorship Based Programme, available for both Online (on-call) and Offline – the most important component of the initiative. A highly trained mentor shall be assigned to all the candidates registering for this programme. The mentors would be constantly guiding the aspirants, giving them feedback on their performance in the tests, clarifying their doubts, giving tips to improve the quality and structuring of answers and supplying the regular dose of motivation. This is for both Online and Offline.
7. Approach paper, Discussion, Synopsis, Evaluation, Ranking after every Test:
- Approach paper – Each test shall be preceded by an approach paper detailing the sources, focus areas, and the overall strategy to approach the subject. (Click here to download the sample)
- Discussion – Each test will be followed by a Detailed Discussion in the Offline mode and the same will be available in the Online Mode. The post-test discussions shall be taken by the expert faculties of IASbaba. You need not worry about the coverage of the tests and guidance pertaining to relevant content and structuring of the answers. The post-test discussions followed with the synopsis would impart 360-degree preparedness. A few highly specialised sessions under the Series of Interactive Lectures (SOIL) to help you grow your analytical ability in areas like Essay and General Strategy, Ethics, International Relations, Internal Security among others will be taken by People in Services and Toppers on Pro-bono basis.
- Synopsis – Our synopsis for each test is prepared after extensive research and discussions among the Mentors. It ensures that the best quality content in the most lucid fashion reaches you, which acts as easy reference and revision.(Click here to download the sample).
- Evaluation and Ranking – Evaluations are done by subject experts and not by novices having 4-5 months of experience as content creators. The marking and feedback that our subject experts give is based on real experience and visible expertise. Evaluation, marking and ranking to be done and list to be published for both Online and Offline Combined. After the weekly test, when the evaluation is done, you can have one – one session with your mentor. These sessions are meant to personally groom your skills, polish the rough edges of your preparation, point out your areas of strength and weaknesses and make sure that with each passing test, your intellect and understanding grows.
- Babapedia (Prelimspedia + Mainspedia): Access to IASbaba’s compendium of all information relevant for prelims and mains respectively. With Babapedia, forget about the trouble of making daily notes from various sources. It will be the one-stop destination for all your current affairs needs. Click here to see samples.
8. We also have a Study Room facility and we highly recommend it for our TLP followers. It is charged separately.
Apart from the Features mentioned above in the Offline mode, the TLP Connect- ONLINE will have a Separate platform designed for this initiative. Tests will be uploaded on this Platform on the day of the exam and you will be given a time-domain to write and upload your answer sheets.
- Evaluated answer sheets will be uploaded back on your profile before the next scheduled test, provided you are submitting the Answer copies within 24 hours. This will help us in timely evaluation and publication of Offline + Online Ranking and will also ensure discipline in your preparation.
- For those who will be submitting the answer copies after 24 hours from the time of the test, you will get your answer copies within 8-10 days.
- We shall evaluate and upload the answer copy with detailed feedback and comments/improvements on the same platform.
- You can talk to the MENTOR weekly once if you have any doubts related to the test or having any difficulties with regard to ANSWER WRITING.
- Though the Tests are flexible, we would advise you to stick to the schedule to ensure discipline in your preparation.
- If you have joined All India Prelims Tests, you can join TLP Plus 2020 only for Mains Mentorship.
- If you are a veteran and do not need Prelims Tests or Guidance, you can join TLP Plus 2020 only for Mains Mentorship.
Download the Feedback on our Evaluation
1. Super 50– Scholarship Test: The entire programme will be completely FREE for Top 50 Students (both Online and Offline mode). For others, based on your performance you will be given a discount of 50%, 25%, 10%.
2. Students of TLP Connect 2020, who will be clearing UPSC Prelims 2020, TLP Phase 2 (3 months Mentorship Based Mains Test Series) and Post Mains Result, Interview Mentorship Programme (IMP) will be given FREE (both for Online and Offline students)!!
Please note that: This 2nd Phase and 3rd Phase of the Programme will be Free, only if you are a part of TLP Connect phase 1 (October 2019– May 2020) and have cleared UPSC Prelims 2020.
3. Babapedia (Prelimspedia + Mainspedia): One-Stop Destination for all your current affairs needs.
Practical Planning to accommodate both GS (Prelims, Mains) and Optional Preparation.
- Our focus is not on the number of tests but on their quality. Too many tests for Mains will keep you focused on completing the syllabus rather than developing a thought process which is very much essential for building concepts, linking dynamic with static part and tackling analytical nature of the exam – both in Prelims and Mains.
- Practically speaking, after writing a Test, sufficient time is required for a mentor to evaluate his/her group of students and give you detailed feedback. From a student’s perspective, sufficient time is required to work on feedbacks given by the mentors. There is no point writing tens of tests without investing adequate time on preparation. Moreover, after each test, you need time to recuperate and freshen up before you are ready for the next one. With the quality of questions in TLP, be rest assured that you will be facing the most relevant and standard questions.
- Our schedule is designed in such a way that the aspirants get ample time to prepare for OPTIONAL subjects and ensure balanced preparation. In a week, there will be 1 Prelims Test and 1 Mains Test, so you get enough time to not only to cover both GS and Optional but also work on the feedback given by your mentors.
- Some test series available in the market drag the test series till April-May without providing sufficient time for prelims preparation. Out of 4-5 lakhs appearing in the preliminary stage of the exam, only 10-12 thousand will make it to next stage. Due to the increased uncertainty and unpredictability nature, the prelims exam is getting tougher and tougher. Based on the feedback received from toppers, students, subject experts and faculties we believe that 2-3 months of exclusive preparation is required to clear the preliminary stage of examination. So we have planned such that, Mains Tests are over by end of February and the Prelims test continues till the month of May, So you get 3 months exclusive for Prelims Preparation.
- Immediately after winding up of the Mains Test, our much famed and free initiative 60 days Prelims Programme begins ensuring continuity and integration in the preparation.
Why 2 hours duration in 12 Sectional Tests?
- The beginners would find it difficult to cope up with 3 hours test schedule right from the first test itself, and would often get demotivated. Our tests will train the beginners to acquire a strong foundation and basics. For veterans, it will help them to streamline their preparation, work on their writing speed to complete the paper and maintain consistency. If you are able to complete 14Q in 2 hours, then you can easily complete 20Q in 3 hours.
- Standard of Questions – Out of 14 Questions in the 2 hour Test, 6Q will be checking your basic knowledge/conceptual understanding and 8Q will be of analytical nature where you have to link static with dynamic. We believe that there is a learning curve in everybody’s preparation and this is a gradual process. It comes with time, preparation and practice!! So after the first 3 cycles of 2 hours of Test (except for Essay to be 3 hours) which would cover entire GS1, GS2, GS3, GS4, you will leap to the next level of comprehensive Test with 3 hours duration.
- Special Emphasis on Ethics Case Studies and Essay Tests. Apart from the regular GS4 Tests, you will have 2 Tests Exclusively on Ethics Case Studies and in 8 Essay Tests -3 Tests only on Philosophical Essays, 3 only on Theme Based and 2 (Philosophical + Theme Based). You would be writing 2 Essays per Test=16 Essays in total.
- Each mentor would know you and your strengths closely and customize the feedback and guidance accordingly. Just imagine the impact that a coach would have on your journey!
1. Number of Mains Tests: 30 Tests in Total.
- 12 Sectional Tests (Based on Basics, Conceptual Understanding + Analytical nature) of 2 hours duration each)
- 2 Tests Exclusively on Ethics Case Studies
- 8 Essay Tests (3 Tests only on Philosophical Essays, 3 only on Theme Based and 2 (Philosophical + Theme Based)
- 8 Comprehensive Mock Tests of 3 hours duration each.
Each test to have UPSC standard high-quality questions with a focus to let you develop the ability to answer any question asked by UPSC in the stipulated time frame while maintaining the quality of answers. Each test shall be complemented by a high quality of synopsis for easy reference and revision.
2. Discussion – Each test will be followed by a Detailed Discussion in the Offline mode and the same will be available in the Online Mode. The post-test discussions shall be taken by the expert faculties of IASbaba. You need not worry about the coverage of the tests and guidance pertaining to relevant content and structuring of the answers. The post-test discussions followed with the synopsis would impart 360-degree preparedness. A few highly specialised sessions under the Series of Interactive Lectures (SOIL) to help you grow your analytical ability in areas like Essay and General Strategy, Ethics, International Relations, Internal Security among others will be taken by People in Services and Toppers on Pro-bono basis.
3. Mentorship available for both Online (on-call) and Offline – the most important component of the initiative. A highly trained mentor shall be assigned to all the candidates registering for this programme. The mentors would be constantly guiding the aspirants, giving them feedback on their performance in the tests, clarifying their doubts, giving tips to improve the quality and structuring of answers and supplying the regular dose of motivation.
4. Approach paper, Discussion, Synopsis, Evaluation, Ranking after every Test
5. The Tests are flexible.
NOTE- The schedule will be slightly modified in the End, for you to have proper experience of writing Full Mocks-Mains. You will be communicated in this regard.
Please Note:
- The Programme will be conducted BOTH at Delhi and Bangalore Centers and Online Mode.
- Registration is a must for enrolling into the Offline Mode Programme.
TLP Connect 2020 (Both for OFFLINE and ONLINE): 30,000 + Tax = 35,400/-
TLP PLUS 2020- Mains Exclusive Mentorship (Both for OFFLINE and ONLINE): 21,000 + Tax = 24,780 rs (approx.)
Direct Walk-in: You can visit any of the following centres for admissions or related enquiries: And get enrolled.
- Vijayanagar Centre: 1737/ 37, MRCR Layout, Vijayanagar Service Road, Vijayanagar, Bengaluru-5660040. Landmark: Behind Vijayanagar Metro, above Aptronix.
- Chandra Layout Centre: No. 1443/1444, Above Carzspa, 80 Ft. Main Road, Ganapathi Circle, Chandra Layout, Bengaluru- 560040
- 5B, PUSA Road, Opposite to Metro Pillar 110, Karol Bagh, New Delhi -110005 (Landmark: CROMA Store)
For any Queries:
You can also reach us on
Email id: support@iasbaba.com
Contact No.:
Bengaluru: 9035077800/7353177800 ( Office Timings: 10 am – 5.30 pm)
Delhi: +91 11-41678500/+91 11-41672600 ( Office Timings: 10 am – 5.30 pm)
NOTE- Do not make calls before or after the given timing
Thank You