Love you 3000!!! IASbaba’s HOTLINE and #ASKBABA Initiative

  • IASbaba
  • May 2, 2020
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IASbaba Prelims 60 Days Plan
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Love you 3000!!! IASbaba’s HOTLINE and #ASKBABA Initiative

Hello Friends,

We have reached an astonishing feat of attending more than 3000 calls on IASbaba HOTLINE within a month. We have actually received many more calls than that but because of paucity of time and also because many candidates call at a different time other than the allotted time slot we have not been able to attend them.

Apart from queries related preparation strategy for each subject, we have been receiving one common distress call from the aspirants where you are anxious and frustrated. Anxious as you are waiting for your prelims exam and you have no timeline in front of you and frustrated as you are locked in your homes and cannot plan your future course of action.

Friends, you need to remember that desperate times need desperate measures. The calamity that we are all facing is real. It is important for us to think as ‘WE’ rather than ‘ME’. We request you to maintain social distancing and follow the guidelines given by the government. You are all aspiring to be the part of government; hence it is important, especially for you, to follow the instructions.

We as mentors would like to suggest you not to make long term plans right now. Since things are uncertain, it is important that you keep yourself away from distractions and maintain the momentum. Many candidates are feeling low and they have become slightly laidback. Remember, that your peers are not waiting for you to catch up. Your lackadaisical attitude can push you back in the race.

So, pull up your thinking caps and start mental workouts. Make weekly plans and targets and try to achieve them. Start multiple revisions and solve as many questions as you can. This time gap can be an opportunity for you. Grab it. And if you need any help, don’t forget we are here to support and help you. This is the least we can do from our team in time of uncertainty.

Through HOTLINE initiative students/aspirants can share their queries and get it cleared on real-time from the Founders and Core team of IASbaba.

Sorry, if we could not answer all your calls, as the phones kept ringing and students had many things to ask. Hope you understand. You can always call us any day of the week between 5pm -7pm (except on Sundays).

 You can also use #ASKBABA (a separate initiative) on 60 day posts and get your Subject-specific doubts cleared between 11am – 10 pm on the website.

To know more about HOTLINE & #ASKBABA initiative ->CLICK HERE



Questions like –  How to increase my scores in test? How to read and revise current affairs? Optimum number of questions to be attempted? Time management?  How to use 60 day plan effectively and many more were taken up in this Live Youtube Session.

MUST WATCH – STRATEGY [VIDEO]: PRELIMS  Tips (Do’s & Don’ts) from Mohan Sir, IASbaba Founder
TOPPER’S STRATEGY (PRELIMS): Muthu Somasundaram, Rank 23 Indian Forest Service (IFoS) 2019, a regular follower of IASbaba -> CLICK HERE



Beat the Heat of Current Affairs this year (2020) –PRELIMS EXCLUSIVE: CURRENT AFFAIRS CLASSES (12 SESSIONS-By Tauseef Sir): JOIN NOW!
LOCKDOWN & YOU – Unlock Your Talent & Creativity! -> CLICK HERE


MUST READ – For Motivation:

Coronavirus: Awareness, Myths, Solidarity and Message to All UPSC Aspirants by Mohan Sir Founder IASbaba
MUST READ: PRELIMS in Testing Times – Don’t Forget the ‘WHY’; IASbaba’s dedicated HOTLINE for Aspirants and Prelims Postponing Rumours
[STRATEGY] MUST READ: 21 Days of Lockdown -What to do? Introspect, Ideate and Improve !!


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Have Faith!

All the Best

IASbaba Team

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