TLP-UPSC Mains Answer Writing, UPSC Mains Answer Writing

“You play like you practice and practice how you play.”
Nothing encapsulates the importance of answer writing practice for UPSC than this quote. The tons of books that you have read, the loads of ideas that you have in mind and the numerous debates that you have won matter little if you haven’t held your pen for practice for at least 500 hours before the real Mains examination. When you practice answer writing, you tend to recreate what you are going to write in the real exam but in a less stressful setting. With hours of practice, you develop a habit – a kind of muscle memory that helps immensely in the real exam. In fact, with hours of practice in your preparation kitty, the real exam feels like another day of practice. We hope you must have understood the true essence of the quote in the context of UPSC.
Now, let’s come to an important question – what makes a perfect practice for UPSC? Well, the answer is simple. You must practice questions that are either similar or at least a notch above than the UPSC standard. Then you must learn from your mistakes. But, how do you learn? You learn from high quality source of information. You also learn from expert feedback. You definitely learn from you peers.
If there is any program that packs all these prerequisites of perfect practice into one, it is the
Think, Learn and Perform (TLP)
Flagship initiative of IASbaba
We have been posting questions of unmatched quality, framed after rigorous research and analysis of evolving UPSC trends. We don’t frame questions for the sake of it. We are determined to test you the way UPSC does by posing questions that make you think hard, and connect the dots of your previous learning. Each day, you wake up to 5 high quality questions based on a pre-published micro plan. You write the answers and post them on IASbaba’s dedicated TLP platform. You get to see the answers of your peers. You also get access to meticulously prepared synopsis, a treasure trove for understanding the components you missed in your answers, and also a great source for future reference. To the extent possible, IASbaba’s expert evaluators share feedback on your answers and motivate you to continue the journey. We also encourage peer feedback. TLP as a platform, builds a strong social capital that students can leverage for their benefit.
Over the years, TLP has become the most trusted program for answer writing practice for UPSC toppers. Please go through the testimonials of top rankers over the years to understand the impact that TLP has made on their preparation. What makes our initiative standout? The answer is straightforward – quality. Even though TLP is a free initiative, we never compromise on the quality of questions and synopsis that is posted on the platform. We rarely repeat or recycle the questions. In each preparation cycle, we create new questions after a lot of thought and analysis. We invest so much time and effort because we know what is at stake – your career.
Therefore, come join the bandwagon. Be a part of the routine – a habit that increases your chances of success in UPSC manifold. You can’t afford to miss this.
This year onwards TLP will have a Dedicated Portal for Focused Preparation ( There will be a separate dedicated portal similar to (RaRe Series) which students loved and appreciated. The Portal will help you stay focused and keep your preparation streamlined. The Registration link for the dedicated portal is given at the end of the post.
We are charging a token amount of 10/- for registration to the dedicated portal. We are doing it because we want to create a community of sincere aspirants who are focused and motivated till the Mains Examination. Please don’t take it otherwise. It is our honest effort to give you the best and at the same time expect students to come with the same energy and dedication to the dedicated platform specially designed for YOU!
Join our bandwagon, you won’t regret it. UPSC 2023 Aspirants are encouraged to participate as well.
We have been getting a lot of requests from students to start TLP Daily Mains Answer Writing in Offline Mode. So we are finally here with the TLP OFFLINE. We hope that you make the best use of it.
There are two slots where you can come to the Centre and write the answer.
Slot 1 – 2 PM to 3 PM
Slot 2 – 5 PM to 6 PM
Rs.2,500/- (Including Taxes) is being charged for the complete programme (20th June to 2nd September) as logistical charges that come with the Offline Tests.
Please note that Evaluation is not part of the TLP Programme. Only Question Paper and Answer Booklets will be provided.
You can write at any of IASbaba’s Offline Centres (DELHI, BENGALURU & LUCKNOW)
If you have issues regarding program, please mail us on
This is the best time for 2023 to start answer writing. We would request you to write answers every day even if you are writing crappy answers. By the end of the program, you would realize that you have completed Mains Syllabus and are able to write pretty decent answers.
IASbaba Team
- GS Mains 2022 Answer Writing, IASbaba TLP Mains Answer Writing, IASbaba’s Think Learn and Perform (TLP) 2022 Phase II ONLINE FREE Initiative, Think Learn and Perform Plus (TLP+) Program, TLP 2022, TLP Free Initiative, UPSC IAS 2022, UPSC Mains 2021 Answer Writing, UPSC Mains 2022, UPSC Mains 2022 Daily Mains Answer Writing Programme IASbaba, UPSC Mains Answer Writing, UPSC Mains Answer Writing Program, UPSC Mains Preparation